How to ask for forgiveness from different zodiac signs

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How to ask for forgiveness from different zodiac signs

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How to ask for forgiveness from different zodiac signs

Everyone has situations in their life when they need to repent and ask for forgiveness. It is not always possible to restore friendly relations and earn forgiveness.

Simply all people are different, with their own character and temperament. Therefore, to regain friendly favor, it is important to know how to ask forgiveness from a person, based on his zodiacal affiliation. According to astrologers, this approach gives 100% results!


It is hard to ask forgiveness from Aries, if only because this person hates lies and does not tolerate cheaters around him. If you deceived the ward of Mars, be prepared for the fact that with words you will not be able to restore your good name.

To achieve forgiveness in Aries should show ingenuity and think about how to achieve forgiveness through deeds. For example, you can help Aries in an important case or take on some of his responsibilities.


Representatives of the sign Taurus, personalities vulnerable, and at the same time quite stubborn. This means to offend the ward of Venus is easy, but again to make up - extremely difficult.

Taurus loves praise and affection, and therefore, admiring him, but only real qualities and deeds, you can get back his favor. True, admire him will have to long, because Taurus is still that "impregnable fortress". And your praise should be subtle, not like flattery.


To achieve forgiveness from Gemini can only be if you well argue your message and prove to this man that you did not want to hurt him.

Gemini are masters of verbal duels, and therefore be prepared for long negotiations and arguments. And most importantly, try to translate any explanations into the plane of humor. Subtle humor affects the representative of the element of Air better than any arguments!


Offensive Cancer is very difficult to ask for forgiveness. You will have to have stamina, and in every way to prove your desire to restore good relations, and word and deed.

Be prepared for the fact that, even having forgiven you, "child of the moon" will still after a while remember about his offense. It will be better if on this occasion you present Raku a nice gift in the form of jewelry. So it will be easier for him to forget old offenses.


Lions are proud individuals, and therefore their offenders prefer to keep at a distance and cut off all contact with them. It may seem that offense will forever destroy the bridges between you.

But it is not so. First, the Lions are withdrawable, which means that after some time it is worth making an attempt to get closer. And secondly, the method of self-sacrifice works well with Lions. If this person sees that for the sake of restoring friendship you are willing to sacrifice yourself, he will immediately forgive you.


Virgo people are not as cold-blooded as it might seem from the outside. These people are strongly offended, but quickly withdraw. Another thing is that even the remorseless Virgo is not in a hurry to forgive their offenders.

Mercury's ward is important that a person to change, so that in the future he did not make the same mistakes. If Virgo sees these changes, she will immediately say that she is ready for reconciliation. On the contrary, if there is no action on your part, forgiveness can be forgotten forever.


Benevolent Libra themselves try to avoid conflicts and do not notice offenses. But if the representatives of the element of Air took offense, it means that you have dealt them a heavy blow.

What can help you in this case? Sincere repentance, diplomacy and generosity, i.e. all that is so fond of Libra. Behave with dignity, honestly confess the motives for your deed, and ask the ward of Venus, if he can, to forgive you. This is the only right approach in this situation.


You can not offend Scorpio and get away with it. The wards of formidable Mars are vindictive personalities who must restore their reputation before they decide to forgive you.

In any case, even if Scorpio says he has forgiven, your influence and your words will mean less and less to him. Scorpio is the kind of person who, once disappointed in a person, will not trust as before.


Sagittarius himself often offends people and then asks for forgiveness, and therefore perfectly understands your condition. Nevertheless, do not expect that the ward of Jupiter will immediately forget about your offense.

Do not enter into a long discussion. This will only turn Sagittarius against you even more. The best thing you can do in this situation is to silently repent and hug the person you have offended. Tactile sensations will definitely do the trick!


Capricorn gets very tough when they are cheated or betrayed. Therefore, if you need to reconcile, do not rush to come out for a conversation. Saturn's ward knows - people don't change in an instant!

The best thing you can do in this situation is to start proving to Capricorn that you are on the path of correction. And in communication, always emphasize the rightness of the representative of the element of Earth, his wisdom and foresight.


Aquarians are too unpredictable personalities to give the only true advice of reconciliation. This person may not pay attention to the offense, immediately forgetting it, and can throw out of his life offender and stop making contact.

In any case, Uranus' ward should be given time to release the negativity, and then find a point of contact. If you manage to establish contact, you may not have to apologize.


Understanding and compassionate Pisces will find your own excuses for forgetting wrongdoing. They value their environment very much to break up over a trivial misunderstanding.

Nevertheless, having inflicted Pisces public offense, which will be known to others, you will have to work hard to achieve forgiveness. Be prepared for public repentance and sincere words.

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